大主教柯利高中’s rigorous academic program challenges each student to develop the skills necessary for success in the college or university of his choice.  Our dedicated faculty guide students through the learning process and help them maximize their potential.  Curley’s required courses provide a firm foundation for future success, while introducing students to elective courses designed to open minds to future college majors and careers.

在方济会的教育模式中, each Curley Man is engaged in an active learning environment that asks him to think, 讨论, 调查和创造.  In these ways the student accepts more responsibility to grow in knowledge, 从而使他成为一个终身学习者.

Proof of our students’ academic success can be measured by a 100% college acceptance rate, from an impressive list of colleges and universities, and over $21 million in merit scholarships awarded to the Class of  2023.  Individual success is measured by readiness for college, 以及批判性思维的发展, 有效的沟通, 以及学术领导力.



圣. Bonaventure学者项目

对于一群精英学生来说 St. Bonaventure学者项目 offers an academic challenge beyond the honors curriculum. 圣. Bonaventure Scholars program is a comprehensive experience that combines high-level academic coursework with opportunities and experiences that go beyond the classroom. 顶点项目, 探索之日节目, and out-of-state college visits provide a rich and well-rounded experience for students who earn acceptance to this program.


大主教柯利的荣誉计划 is designed to challenge highly talented and motivated students to pursue Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors level courses. 十大正规彩票平台 maintains relationships with several local colleges and universities, encouraging students to earn college credits through dual-enrollment opportunities.


Ms. 谢丽尔·穆
St. Bonaventure项目协调员
(410) 485-5000

圣. 安东尼计划

的 St. 安东尼计划 is a multifaceted college preparatory program intentionally designed for young men who require adaptive learning practices due to academic challenges, 诊断出的学习差异, 或者不同的学习方式. This program is meant to support students and provide its graduates with the tools necessary to succeed at the next level of education.


Mr. 彼得Snarski
St. 安东尼项目协调员
(410) 485-5000



的 Accounting Program within the 业务部门 provides the basis for a college major in accounting and possible employment in the profession. Some of our graduates have received college scholarships in accounting and are currently employed at various firms in and around 巴尔的摩, 包括四大. We also offer a personal finance course and an introduction to business, 哪一个, 在某种程度上, 包括市场营销的概述, 领导, 伦理与经济学.  的 department is staffed by teachers who have all worked in some business capacity prior to working in education at 十大正规彩票平台. 的 Department is also committed to offering the most current and up-to-date facilities, 技术与课程. 大主教柯利高中  focuses on developing practical, real-world skills for the 21st century using project-based learning.  的 computer program is designed to grow and develop over time to incorporate new technology as it becomes available.

大三学生:会计学, 商业原则, c++编程入门, Visual Basic编程入门, 个人理财

高年级学生:会计一级, 会计二世, c++编程入门, Visual Basic编程入门, 消费者教育 & 法律、高级互联网 & 网页设计

教练:  Mr. 1993年的斯蒂芬·斯特莱克弗斯和. 卡尔·斯奈德



的 英语系 is staffed with an experienced and enthusiastic faculty who dedicate their time and effort to reading and writing across the curriculum. 的y infuse their teaching with dedication to the subject matter: grammar, 作文, 创意和实用写作, 英语的阅读和分析研究, 美国, 与世界文学, 以及公众演讲技巧. 的 department offers adaptive learning opportunities for Freshmen and Sophomore students who benefit from the reinforcement of organizational, 理解, 写作技巧. Advanced Placement is offered on the Junior and Senior levels for those students who wish to challenge their academic abilities and seek dual enrollment on the collegiate level. 

Freshmen:  Composition, Grammar, and Literature Survey; Reading and Writing I
Sophomores: Composition, Literary Genres, 与世界文学; Reading and Writing II
三年级学生:美国文学, Advanced Placement English Language and Composition; Real World Writing
老年人:  Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition; British Literature; Literary and Mass Media Arts

附属俱乐部:  柯利纪事报 学生报纸; 愿景 文学杂志; 十大正规彩票平台播客俱乐部

主席:夫人. 凯西·舒克

教师:先生. 欧文·爱德华兹夫人. 凯西·舒克先生. 彼得·斯纳斯基女士. 霍莉·特灵顿夫人.艾米丽·范德格里夫女士. 维多利亚Vandergriff


十大正规彩票平台’s 美术 Department has a comprehensive academic program with progressive courses for the study of the Arts. 仪器, art and vocal programs are staffed by professional musicians and artists who specialize in education. 的 Instrumental  rooms are well equipped with a variety of quality instruments, equipment and literature including an extensive library of Concert Band, 爵士乐和小型合奏文学, 打击乐一段完整的打击乐, as well as wind instruments from the piccolo to the tuba, 全部供学生使用.

主席: Mr. 迈克尔·加夫


导演: Mr. 迈克尔·加夫

Courses and Groups:   Music Appreciation, Curley Choir, Schola Choir, Luminare Choir, Curley Ringers


导演: Mr. 克里斯托弗•坎贝尔

Courses and Ensembles:  Musicianship, Concert Band, Curley Jazz, Drum Line

合奏:交响乐团, 爵士乐团, 打击乐合奏, 高级打击乐团, 和Drumline


教练:先生. 马克·哈尔科特97年

课程:艺术研讨会、设计 & Composition, 美术, Senior Studio, Digital 摄影,


大主教柯利高中’s 世界语言学系 is staffed by excellent teachers whose emphasis is based on teaching not only the spoken language, 同时也教导人们尊重所有的文化. An emphasis is placed on developing speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. 双 enrollment is through Notre Dame of Maryland University and is offered for AP Spanish Language, AP西班牙文学, 拉丁文荣誉III和拉丁文荣誉IV.


A Spanish placement test is offered in the spring before freshman year.

西班牙语I-IV, AP西班牙语 & 文化,AP西班牙文学 & 文化

双 Enrollment is offered through Notre Dame of Maryland University for the AP Courses.



双 Enrollment is offered through Notre Dame of Maryland University for Latin III and Latin IV

俱乐部/活动 affiliated with department:  Global Seal of Biliteracy, 西班牙国家协会, Field Trips to 巴尔的摩 Museum of Art and Authentic Restaurants, 国际旅行的机会

主席:先生. Mark Muth ' 09

教师:女士. 谢丽尔·何塞先生. Mark Muth ' 09, Mrs. 安妮·巴托米奥利先生. 理查德•金 乔纳森·加西亚·赞特诺神父.


的 数学系 strives to help students solidify basic concepts and skills and prepare for higher level mathematics. 为此目的, the department offers Advanced Placement mathematics courses for the mathematically talented as well as fundamental math application courses for students who struggle with quantitative analysis. 和国家数学荣誉协会一起, the department runs a peer tutoring program and Math Lab resources are integrated into Anthony math courses.

Freshmen:  Algebra I, Honors Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra ll, 有关微积分的知识

Sophomores:  Algebra ll Honors, 有关微积分的知识, AP微积分AB, Plane Geometry, Solid & 坐标几何,描述几何

大三学生:AP微积分AB, AP微积分BC, 荣誉微积分, 有关微积分的知识, 荣誉代数和三角, 概率论与统计学.

高年级学生:美联社统计, AP微积分BC, AP微积分AB, 荣誉微积分, 荣誉有关微积分的知识, 大学代数、概率 & Statistics, Multi-Variable Calculus, 概率论与统计学

Affiliated 俱乐部 / 活动: NMHS – National Math Honor Society, Math Club

主席:. 凯莉·詹金斯

教师:女士. 凯莉·詹金斯先生. Tom Olszewski先生. 吉姆·帕夫拉克太太. 娜塔莉·哈克斯女士. 南希·达利纳先生. 卡尔·斯奈德女士. 凯瑟琳•史密斯


十大正规彩票平台 体育课 program is based upon the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are the foundation for engaging in physical activity. Our mission is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, 充实充实的生活.



下属:  体育课 II (½ credit), Athletic training (1 credit), Weight Training & 条件(1/2学分)

老年人:重量训练 & 条件(1/2学分), 体育训练, 高级体育, 运动训练(1学分)

主席:先生. 马蒂McGinty

教师:先生. 特拉维斯·威廉姆斯先生. 丹尼尔·凯利先生. 罗伯特。琼斯


的 overarching goal of 大主教柯利高中’s science department is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to be scientifically literate citizens. To that end, students are required to pass three years of science for graduation. 许多课程分为三个层次. While the content and activities at each level are tailored to meet the students’ individual needs and abilities, a central curriculum forms the basis for all courses

For those students interested in pursuing a degree in a STEM (Science, 技术, 工程, 或数学)领域, we offer the Project Lead the Way engineering program.
This program offers students the opportunity to engage in hands-on project based learning. Students will learn to apply the skills they have learned both in engineering and science courses to solve real world problems and prepare them to apply these skills in both future academic and career environments.

三年级和四年级:人体解剖学,解剖学 & 生理学, 生物科技专题, 法医科学, 物理, 美联社物理, 美联社生物学, AP环境科学

老年人: Aerospace 工程 or Electric Vehicle (EV)

附属俱乐部:  HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America),  Robotics Club

主席:夫人. 金伯利伯顿

教师:夫人. 金伯利·伯顿女士. 丹妮尔·拉森女士. Julie Wysocki博士. 阿希什·潘迪先生. 丹尼尔·凯利博士. Steven Kebejian女士. 玛丽亚·埃尔南德斯


A college preparatory curriculum placing stress on writing, 研究, 公共演讲和分析能力. 除了, the challenging elective courses offered allow students to study particular areas of interest, 并通过正规的玩彩平台的大学先修课程, 获得大学学分. 除了, 原始文件的大量收集, 历史的视频, 计算机程序, maps and globes are the background of the Department. 通过使用这些材料, figures and events are placed in perspective to be easily understood with relevance to today’s ever-evolving world.


Sophomores:  United States History I (Founding to Reconstruction)

下属:  United States History II (Reconstruction to Present)

高年级学生:AP美国历史, AP美国政府与政治, 20世纪历史, 心理学, 地理位置, 美国军事史, 经济学, 马里兰州的历史, 国际关系

Affiliated 俱乐部 / 活动:  History Club, Model UN

主席:先生. 克里斯托弗媚眼

教师:先生. 丹尼尔·艾德先生. 戈登短大衣


In the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi the 的ology Department at 十大正规彩票平台 has developed a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on significant areas of Catholic Faith and Spiritual Development. 同时, 该课程也强调整体性, educational development of each student by emphasizing writing skills, 研究, 口头陈述和分析. 员工经验丰富, 对精神充满热情和献身精神, intellectual and emotional growth of the individual student. 与校园部协调, the Department provides many opportunities for individual and group prayer, participation in the liturgy and receiving the sacraments. 除了, there are retreats and social justice activities within the community. 全年, activities take place in the 十大正规彩票平台 Chapel 哪一个 is available to the Department and to the school at large. 的 Department may also invite “outside” speakers to address students on various subjects.

Freshmen: Introduction to the Bible and Introduction to the Mystery of Jesus Christ

Sophomores: Introduction to the Mission of Jesus Christ and Introduction to the Mystery of the Church

下属: Sacraments and Morality or Junior Catholic Leadership

老年人:  Catholic Social Teaching and Vocations or Senior Catholic Leadership

Electives: Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophical Ethics

附属机构:赞美乐队, 方济会青年部, FLEX团队同伴事工计划, 任务四服务计划, 类撤退

主席:Fr. Chris Dudek OFM Conv.

指导老师: 执事马宏升神父. 文凯OFM Conv., Mr. Matthew Walton, 乔纳森·加西亚·赞特诺神父.

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